Civacon Scully System
RM140W Overfill Protection Rack Monitor and Opti-Therm Rack-Control Monitors Replacement Parts
7320-7320 Green poly thermistor plug with 30' 10-conductor coiled cord for breakaway
7120-7120 Blue poly-optic plug with 30' 10-conductor coiled cord for breakaway
7540-7540 Junction box with 7-pin socket. For use with cane probes. Black socket.
7510T-7510 Rack-control monitor junction box for optic or thermistor control monitors. Yellow socket.
6983 Bypass key fob
7391S-0020 Thermistor plug, 30' 10-conductor coiled cord and breakaway junction box
7191S-0020 Optic plug, 30' 10-conductor coiled cord and breakaway junction box
Call or email today for more terminal loading products and grounding units.
610-652-5218 or sales@railyardsupply.com