Mobile sand system skid for locomotive sanding
Truck mountable
Trailer mountable
Forklift mountable
Set in temporary locations
Set in permanent location
1,600 to 10,000 lb sand tank capacities available.
This mobile sand system has many options to meet your locomotive sanding needs. It vastly increases safety by removing the need for workers to carry heavy sand bags up a ladder and dump them into the locomotive's sand tanks. There is a convenient platform at the top of the stairs where employees can set the sand bag, cut it open, and dump it into the funnel. After dumping it into the funnel, the sand will flow through the open knife gate valve and into the transporter tank. Close the knife gate valve and pressurize the tank with compressed air. You are now ready to insert the head of the sand wand into the locomotive sand tank where it will hang in place. Open the ball valve on the sand wand and allow the desired amount of sand to fill the locomotive. No power is required, only compressed air.
Truck mountable - mount this skid on the back of your truck and conveniently meet up with the locomotive wherever it is in the yard, eliminating the need to spot the locomotive at a fixed sanding area.
Forklift maneuverable - use the forklift holes and conveniently meet up with the locomotive wherever it is in the yard, eliminating the need to spot the locomotive at a fixed sanding area.
Trailer packages - ask about various trailer options or see "Big Boss Sand Trailer" and "Big Boy Sand Trailer" under sand system equipment.
Ask for more details and shop drawings today.