Direct to Locomotive Truck Systems for Mobile Locomotive Servicing
Direct to Locomotive Truck Systems for Mobile Locomotive Servicing
Our DTL truck systems are built like a tank and designed to provide top performance mobile locomotive services. The truck shown features 2 lube oil systems, 1 water system, dual access sand system, performance air system, and more, built on a 2020 Chevy 6500 Silverado 14' L x 8' W bed. Servicing a locomotive is measured in the amount of time it takes. This world class system will outperform any competition out there. Call our experts today to start designing your custom truck or other railroad facilities equipment systems.
(2) Lube Oil Systems
45 max gpm pumps
300 gallon and 50 gallon tanks
Stainless Steel meters
Proprietary drip proof nozzles
Water System
45 max gpm pump
200 gallon tank
Stainless Steel meters
Sand System
3500 capacity sand tank
Proprietary sand wands designed for locomotive sanding
Access from both sides of truck
Compressed Air System
PTO driven compressor
Bypass option to power systems with locomotive or shop sourced air
Dedicated auxiliary air hose reel
(2) Custom Roll-up Door Cabinets
And more...
Other options can include but not limited to:
- Vacuum Systems
- Journal Oil Systems
- Toilet Dump Systems
- Pressure Washer Systems
- Fuel Systems
- Waste Oil Systems
- And more...